Mighty Mosquito Confirmed to fly at Wanaka
The ex-RNZAF de Havilland DH98 Mosquito NZ2308 is weeks away from the end of a fifteen-year restoration and Warbirds Over Wanaka International Airshow has secured one of the world’s most iconic WWII fighter-bomber aircraft for its Easter 2024 airshow.
An ex-RNZAF Mosquito flying around Auckland prior to being shipped to the USA | Photo by Auckland Photo News
Warbirds Over Wanaka International Airshow has achieved a remarkable feat by successfully acquiring one of the world's most renowned WWII fighter-bomber aircraft for its upcoming Easter 2024 airshow. This iconic aircraft is sure to dazzle aviation enthusiasts with its rich legacy and stunning aerial displays. The airshow promises to be an extraordinary event, offering a unique opportunity to witness the magnificent aircraft along with over a hundred other aircraft in action and experience the thrill of all the breathtaking manoeuvres.
The ex-RNZAF de Havilland DH98 Mosquito NZ2308 is weeks away from the end of a fifteen-year restoration in Auckland and the new American owners have generously agreed to allow the aircraft to fly at the Southern Hemisphere’s largest Warbirds airshow before it is carefully dismantled and shipped to its new home in the US.
The General Manager of Warbirds Over Wānaka says the Mosquito is right up there with the top two or three aircraft requested by airshow visitors and to finally have one at Wanaka after all these years is a dream come true.
de Havilland DH98 Mosquito FB.26 'KA114’ | Photo by Alan Wilson
The General Manager of Warbirds Over Wānaka, Ed Taylor, has expressed his excitement about securing the Mosquito for the airshow. He said it is the 'icing on the cake' for the organisers, as they already had an amazing lineup for their first airshow in six years. With the confirmation of having a Mosquito on the flight line, the airshow has reached a new level of excitement.
Ed mentioned that the news of Avspecs' Mossie flying comes with a caveat. Warren Denholm and his team are confident that they will be able to complete the task in time, but there is also a possibility of encountering a last-minute problem which can prevent them from doing so.
Ed believes that having the aircraft at Wanaka is a unique opportunity for warbird enthusiasts from New Zealand and Australia.
de Havilland DH98 Mosquito NF.II ‘HJ711’ | Photo by Alan Wilson
Ed also believes having the aircraft display in New Zealand before heading to the US is important. “This is a former RNZAF aircraft and the fact that four of the five in the world still flying have been restored in New Zealand is very much worth celebrating.” Originally the aircraft was the personal project of Mosquito woodwork pioneer Glyn Powell, who passed away in 2019 giving another strong Kiwi connection.
The aircraft will be test-flown at Ardmore in the coming weeks and then displayed at Wānaka by accomplished American pilot Steve Hinton. Steve, a former Reno Air Race champion, has flown numerous Warbird types, including the last Mosquito from the Avspec’s workshop, and is currently President of the Planes of Fame Museum at Chino in California.